We witnessed an unprecedented Eid in our lifetimes. This year we celebrated Eid under lockdown – and it made us come closer as a community.
The Program Featured:
- Imams & Scholars from diverse communities and ethnicities
- Elected officials from State, Counties & Cities
- Nasheed artists, Comedians and more…
Show how wonderful, diverse and humongous the Bay Area Muslim community is. Let our children feel proud of it when they see thousands of people watching the live show. Make an impact on the elected officials and unify our community, even if Eid happens to be on two days.
Program Details:
Takbeeraat (7:45 am – 8:00 am) – Sh. Zakariae El-Mekkaoui
Khutbahs / Talks (8:00 am – 10:00 am)
English: 8:00 am – 9:00 am
Other Languages (Parallel with English):
Elected Officials Confirmed:
Entertainment (10 am – 12 pm)
- Preacher Moss
- Efemeral
- Omar Offendum
- Uthman Ames
- More….
Endorsed by:
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